Products > Marsh Pressure Gauges
Process Gauge P Series
Marsh Process Gauges are the industry standard in performance. With over 125 years of proven experience, Marsh offers the most complete line of process instrumentation in the industry. An extensive list of designs and options makes the Marsh line of Process Gauges the intelligent and practical choice in process instrumentation. All case styles feature safecase solid-front construction.
Typical applications include chemical and petroleum chemical processes, compressors, power plants and oil platforms.
- Accuracy ASME Grade 2A = ± 0.50% of full scale
- Case Size 4½" and 6" diameter
- Case Material: Safecase polypropylene (turret style only) & safecase aluminum
- Case Style:
4 1D2": G - Back flanged case (aluminum)
H - Front flange hinged ring (aluminum)
T - Turret (polypropylene)
6": G - Back flanged case
- Tube & Socket: Copper alloy or 316 stainless steel
- Movement: Stainless steel
- Connections: ¼" or ½" NPT;
LM - lower mount LBM - lower back mount
- Ranges: 0 to 30" Hg VAC;
Compound 30" Hg VAC to 300 psi; 15 to 20,000 psi
- Dial Standard: Single scale psi
- Dial Color: Black markings on white
- Pointer: Aluminum, black painted, micro-adjustable
- Window: Acrylic
- Fill Medium: Dry or filled. Note: ALL 41D2" lower mount Process Gauges are field- fillable.
Optional factory filled glycerin or silicone
- Safecase: Safecase construction standard on all Process Gauges
- Vent: Internal compensating diaphragm